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Friday, November 20, 2009

Marketing Our GoGo20 Business by Email

I just need to share this…

Yesterday I was a special guest in our GoGo20 company call at 11:30 AM Est.

I talked about Marketing By Email.

I, of course used my notes,
And I thought about posting them here.

This is all basic, but still,
Maybe for some of you, it will prove useful...

"Marketing via email is a tricky matter. It is powerful, but so easily abused"

It can be very successful if it is done right
So here are the main tips:

*Use Our Real Name in the From: Line

People don't like to read mail from strangers or robots. But messages From: a name they know and trust are welcome.

*Also personalize our marketing mails to Greet and address recipients individually with their first or first and last name

There’s nothing worse then opening an email and instead of Hi Merry, read Hi fname.
No one likes to be first name, and no one takes such messages seriously.
Sure, mistakes happen, but we need to be exra careful

*Avoid $$$ Signs in Email Message

 "$$$" in emails won't bring us $$$".

Most people don't like spam. And a lot of spam contains "$$$" somewhere in the subject or the body.
That's why we should avoid it.

Many email users have filters in place — through an anti-spam tool, at their ISP, in their email program, or in their perceptive mind — that move anything containing "$$$" to the trash immediately.

*Avoid Email Marketing During the Holidays

With the holiday coming is good to remember that holidays are often holidays from email, too. That's why email marketing during the holidays is often not very effective.

*Create a Clear Call to Action in Our Email 

•    Lay out exactly what you want the recipients of your message to do, and
•    Design the message to make that path clear for the recipient, and easy to follow. 

Don't distract with too many links or offers, and make not only the call to action clear but also what recipients can expect when they click through. This can be as simple as "Click here for discounts from your GoGO20 membership."

*Don't Forget the Preview Pane in the message

Move the boring stuff down the page, and greet recipients with your best offer instead.

The Subject of our email marketing message plays a crucial role.
If it's not intriguing or familiar, or if it looks like spam, our mail will be deleted immediately. We all know that.
But if our recipients have their email client's preview pane turned on -- and most do -- what is displayed there is just as important. If the top of our email marketing message, the part that is most likely to be shown in the preview pane, is well designed, we can build on the interest built with the Subject or even reverse the recipient's decision to delete our message.
That's why things that can usually be found near the top of every mail to a list -- unsubscribed instructions, unnecessary and long introductory copy, disclaimers -- should be moved down the page. The preview pane should be filled with the unique selling point of our campaign, with our most intriguing benefit or your best offer instead.

*Emphasize with Words, Not Exclamation Marks in Our Copy

The path to successful email marketing is not paved with exclamation marks.
When we want to emphasize something or express urgency, we should find the right words and create urgency through them.

*Test the Links in Our Email Marketing Messages

Yes, it is simple. But still I often get (and probably send) email marketing messages that make me click, but the click takes me nowhere. Sometimes a 404 error comes up, or a redirect to the home page.

So it’s super useful to make a habit of sending first the message to ourselves and double checking everything there before sending it to others.

* And please remember, Successful Email Marketing is 1-to-1 Permission Marketing

When it comes to email marketing, many think plain bulk email: same message sent to a large number of recipients. This is simple and cheap, but there's one problem with it: it does not work as good as it could and should, and it doesn't take advantage of email's strength. 

Email's strength is personalization. 

Instead of the same message going to all of our lists at the same time, truly successful email marketing consists of personalized messages being sent to customers individually.

When writing, use what's called the AIDA Strategy.

•    Attention: The first part of your write-up grabs the readers' attention.
•    Information: The second part gives them information.
•    Desire: The third part makes them desire your product.
•    Action: The fourth part spurs them to action making them reach for their credit card and buy your product.

*Watch Your Stats

Monitor the number of clicks, contact requests and of course sales; try different subjects, different formats, writing styles and then compare the stats to gauge your success.

And Never, Ever Give Up!!!

"I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career...

I've lost almost 300 games...

26 times I've been trusted to take the game winning
shot and missed...

I've failed over and over and over again in my life...

And that is why I succeed."

Who said it?

The legendary icon himself, Michael Jordan.

In email marketing, same as in life, there are not failures, only lessons!

1 comment:

  1. Great blog Merry. It brought out some stuff I missed yesterday
