
Warmest Welcome To GoGo20 Baby Blog

I am starting this blog with best intentions to help and support all my team members to successfully build their
GoGo20 Empire
and to attract new members to this unprecedented opportunity.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I Love GoGo20 and GoGo20 Loves Me

It must, for I just won the laptop, WOWWW!!!

November 10th 9:36am
Congratulations to the Octoberfest Contest Winners!

Grand Prize LCD TV Winner: Jane Mark

Laptop Winners: Merry Makowski , Mark Watson, John Pate

Well, never ever in my entire life I have won something from the lucky hat.

I tend to think that somehow this happened because I am such a huge fan of GoGo20,
and because feelings are mutual,
(you know what I mean, you like someone, that someone likes you too),
I got that laptop.

There were10 of us, so the chances were good, but still...

This winning has for me a highly symbolic character and I will treasure it forever.

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